Killing Queens: 7, Book One. Virgin, Venus, Villanelle? Killing Eve meets The Night Circus. Noir murder thriller with supernatural suspense, spy fiction, lesfic & satire

Killing Queens: 7, Book One. Virgin, Venus, Villanelle? Killing Eve meets The Night Circus. Noir murder thriller with supernatural suspense, spy fiction, lesfic & satire

Someone pointed out a few days ago that I had not reproduced the entire Amazon title for a cover, so…

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3 years ago

Oh, sure, blame it all on me.

Although the truth is that, despite the name of the blog, most of us don’t come here to see merely “lousy” book covers. We come here in hope/dread of seeing a true train wreck. And I think the title elevates this one into one of these:

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3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

My ponderment keeps circling around the title vis: the subtitle/description/whatever that is; I mean, it says Killing Queens, but then it says it’s Lesfic? I feel like I missed something somewhere…

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Maybe “killing” is an adjective rather than a verb?

I mean, she’s clearly knee-deep in a little square vat of blood.

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

And yup, I wondered about that, too. I was just wondering if “queens” was meant in the RuPaul way, but it says Lesfic so…I give up.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

It’s a chess metaphor.
Another “you have to read the book to get it” thing.