Fostered Identity: The Twisted Deception Suspense/Thriller/Mystery Series

Fostered Identity: The Twisted Deception Suspense/Thriller/Mystery Series

“…And then a stone house, and then an emerald!”


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3 years ago

And this is an object lesson in that speech we give people over at don’t focus on your story elements, on the cover, because your prospective buyer hasn’t read the story yet, and couldn’t care less that you’ve put a stone house, an emerald, etc. on the cover. They’re meaningless to that person; they only have meaning to you, the author–and you’re not buying, right?

I mean, who would look at this cover and say “ooooh, look, a stone house and an emerald. Yup, that’s my kinda book!”? I don’t get it.

3 years ago

This feels like some kind of contest on how many keywords we can cram into the title.