

No, not THAT Robocop. Some OTHER Robocop.

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3 years ago

I find it very hard to believe that Sony will ignore this for long.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

My guess is that unless someone notifies them, it will fly under their radar. I find it unlikely that it will be on the USA Today Bestseller list or garner a movie deal.

3 years ago
Reply to  Philo

Y’know…it’s odd how these things happen. I mean, whoda thunk that an author would get an email from a reader, informing her that (the reader) found a book, in the morass that is KDP, that is her rewritten book? Amongst what, 8 million other self-pubbed books? But it’s happened.

Some copyright holders (Warner, Disney as we all know, etc.) do routine searches on keywords/titles and names. They use Turks and the like to do it. I would be more surprised if RoboCop doesn’t show up. (Hell, who knows, maybe he thinks that without the upper-case “c” it doesn’t count?)