The Two Brothers Knights of the Rushing Wind: Battle for Rose Sharon’ – Book One (The Two Brothers Knights of the Rushing Wind Book One 1)

The Two Brothers Knights of the Rushing Wind: Battle for Rose Sharon’ – Book One (The Two Brothers Knights of the Rushing Wind Book One 1)

The cherry on top is that reflection/shadow below the title.

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3 years ago

I object to referring to that mess under the title as “a reflection.” REFLECTIONS DON’T WORK THAT WAY.

Five fonts in five lines are pretty impressive. Or possibly six; it’s not clear if the mess under “The Two Brothers” is the same font as the words above or not.

Is the battle for “Rose Sharon'” or “Rose Sha Ron'”? And what is the deal with that extra apostrophe after the n?

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

And, what the holy hell is/are the gray thing(s) in the upper right-hand corner?

This one…this one is a real frontrunner for the LBC Annual Awards, this year, just for so, so many elements.

(@Zsuzsa: I’m 99% sure that it’s 5 fonts, not 6; the serifs in the “reflected” title or whatever that’s meant to be match the original font for that line above.)

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Four fonts, I think. “The Two Brothers” and “Knights of…” are the same font, it’s just that the latter has been horizontally squished. Even so, that’s still two more than necessary.

The Amazon preview (a) tells us it’s “Sharon” even though I agree with Zsuzsa that there’s definitely a word space in that cover, and (b) that the book has a “Foreward” [sic]. Sigh.

Goodness knows what the apostrophe is for, or what the stuff top right is (maybe a moon with flying bats?)

Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

Well, that ruined Sunday morning.