BLURB: My True Story

You don’t know me and might never do, but why does the book appear to revolve around myself?

This’ not an autobiography, but an esoteric-packed, true experiences of the author and introductory part of the other materials that follow this one; Celebrity SyndromeThe Lie You Live InThe New Day.

Take your time to grasp and decode the many esoteric phrases and words encoded in the material since they contain hints to the truth and reality as we perceive it.

“…..NO ONE truly owns The World as many assume, only being in charge of its operations…….What if I told you that you’re not as normal as you think you are?”

Somehow, I have nothing to say.

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Mark B Wilson
3 years ago

If you did, I’m sure it would be esoteric.

3 years ago

Nathan: once again, I cannot find this book on Amazon. You say that the links are in, what, pop-ups? Even with an unblocked browser, I get nothing. ???

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

But I don’t see that and I don’t see any live links, either. I’m accustomed to the blank gray box, in Chrome, but I tried it in Chromium Edge, which I almost never use and NADA. I’ll check it, but it’s frustrating. I get why you have it–I do–but it makes me bonkers that I can’t see the books in question.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Hi: well, I’ll check the extensions; perhaps when I migrated some apps I inadvertently migrated the pop-up blocker, too. Thanks for attaching the link. I was curious, for a change, to see the book “in the wild” and with that title, Lord, you can’t find it to save your life.

I got to the part about “…hidden from the site of man…” and sorta lost my enthusiasm for trying to parse what she is trying to say, though. (sniffle).

Thanks for putting it up, though, Nathan. Much appreciated.