Claimed by Seraphym (Raiden Warriors Book 3)

Claimed by Seraphym (Raiden Warriors Book 3)

Posted mostly for the unibrow.

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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

A big tip of the hat to “designer” Carly McCracken, who gave us this masterpiece, too

3 years ago

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see those freaking wings lift him. Or someone half his size and mass, for that matter. I mean, sure, seraphim=magic/supernatural, but nonetheless, the laws of physics are the laws of physics.

And why, oh, why, are dragons always six-limbed? Doesn’t anybody ever think about the reality that two sets of shoulder blades would be tricky at best for a critter? I mean, look at flying squirrels (they ought to be called gliders, really, but…) do you see a set of wings AND a set of forelegs and rear? No? Well…artists, play bloody attention.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

That’s not even a seraphim, which is a kind of angel. That’s some kind of dragon shifter. Words, what do they mean. /pedant

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

YES, thank you. I initially thought that the author just…well, made seraphim as some other look/feel. But…yes, this does look like some half-dragon critter. (That clearly got the short end of the hereditary stick and can’t fly.)

How much you wanna bet that’s why she used “seraphym” in that silly spelling? So that pedants like us don’t kvetch about how seraphim are a rank of the Host, and not some half-breed thing?

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

To say nothing of the weight of the armor he’s wearing.

3 years ago

Because poor literacy iz kewl!!!!!111