The Lonely CEO (The Salamander Book 1)

The Lonely CEO (The Salamander Book 1)

Nothing wrong technically, but it’s not what readers of “clean billionaire romances” look for in a cover, is it?

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3 years ago

Slamming my fist on my desk and shouting “I need more ABS, dang it!”

3 years ago
Reply to  Krij

What, you’re going too fast? Do you need Anti Lock Braking? Or your tummy muscles need a six-pack? OR, you need plastic? (ABS)…

Honestly, Krij, buddy, not sure where you were going with that one…

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I believe Krij was going for the six-pack tummy muscles, on the grounds that those abs are what one expects to see on the cover of a billionaire romance. Because every romance reader knows that all billionaires spend their time doing sit ups.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

Exactly, abs! Rippling pecs! All them things

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

I see. It was the all-caps ABS that threw me.

I still wonder what a lonely CEO has to do with a damn newt.

(Yes, yes, folks, I know it’s not really about a NEWT. OTOH, it might be one of them thar newtie books!)