The Chronicles of Vargo: The Mystery of the Stone Maiden

The Chronicles of Vargo: The Mystery of the Stone Maiden

And then someone said, “Yup, perfect!”

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3 years ago

For a painted mini, it’s pretty darn good. For a book cover… it’s impressive just how little the separate pieces come together?

3 years ago

… that is not how you hold an owl.

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

It is when you want the owl to poop in your hand.

3 years ago
Reply to  WarGoat

Owls don’t actually weigh much (they’re mostly feathers), but put a three-pound weight in your hand and walk along with it in front of you like that and see how long you can keep it up…

3 years ago
Reply to  Julie

I dunno; we have some Great Horneds and a few others, that seem to love to congregate on our fireplace flue, each full moon. Lemme tell ya, when they land, you really hear it. Every once in a while, we get one with a botched landing attempt (typically if carrying dinner/prey) and they hit the roof and roll. Dang, it’s hard to not hear them, lol! Of course, they are all significantly larger than the pictured owl. (And I agree…hell, put a 1-lb dumbbell in your hand and hold it out in front of you or to the side, for that matter. It doesn’t take long for the muscles to object vociferously!)

Luke B
Luke B
3 years ago

Who needs to hire artists when you can just find a PNG of art from Wizard101?

3 years ago

Bro, this is just an unprinted HeroForge mini. Did they think their target fantasy loving demographic wouldn’t recognize this?

3 years ago

“I’m too sexy for my owl, too sexy for my owl, poor fowl..I’m a mini and I do my little turn on this boardwalk…”

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Nathan, dear? Are you posting in the right place?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

What, wait, you mean Chronicles of Vargo is purportedly raking it in? Is that right? According to our anonymous informant?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Ooooh, baby. That’s Eff-You Money, all righty. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

How many of us have read a book?? Ahahahahahahaha. My obsession with fantasy is exactly why I recognize a 3D rendering of a tabletop mini.

3 years ago

Oh dear. The worst part? That site (Hero Forge) the model was made in? They keep the copyright of the designs you made in there. So that cover is SUPER not okay XD

3 years ago
Reply to  DDW

Oh, deeeeeeeeeeeear. Man, that one’s on thin ice comin’ and goin’, then.