BLURB: I am GoD: Indigenous (Creation Book 3)

Dear Reader,
In memory of my mother, and with love for those I know who are at this very moment suffering from multiple sclerosis, I have decided to donate all the money I earn from the sales of any of the ‘I am GoD’ books (Connecting, Revelations, and Indigenous) for one month, starting on the 15th of March until the 15th of April.
This is not intended to be a promotional stunt but simply a nice way to make my writing feel like it is worthwhile.
For those of you in doubt of my honesty, (and I do not blame anyone of you for this, I would probably want some proof myself) There will be a screenshot of my Amazon Royalty account available at:
The first will be made before the 15th of March 2021, and the second, from the 14th of April 2021, revealing all sales during this period.
The final sum will be then transferred to the Rocky Mountain MS Center. Again, confirmation of this will be added to my blog.
And why exactly this charity?
As I mentioned above, I have a dear friend who has recently been diagnosed with this dreadful disease; this was her choice.

I guess the readers of the previous two volumes don’t need to be told anything about WHAT THIS BOOK IS ACTUALLY ABOUT.

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3 years ago

Is it just me, or does that last sentence make it seem like it was the author’s friend’s choice to be diagnosed with MS? Yes, I know what he means, at least after reading the blurb a second time, but an inability to get your antecedents correct in the blurb isn’t a good sign for the rest of the book.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

LOL, no, I think that Mr. Holden means that the month-long proceeds donation was his friend’s wish. That’s what I think he meant.

3 years ago

When I see that series title, there’s this one funny little indie song that keeps going through my head…