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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

I kind of wonder what the Sainsonic people would think of this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

I dunno, but I’m afraid to ask what the holy hell that thing does. OTOH, if it cures cancer, hell, I’m sure the Sainsonic people would be ecstatic. ;-s

3 years ago

Hey, I’m Mike Scantlebury, the author. You know, by Damn, you’re right. You guys have inspired me. I’ve asked a graphic artist to come up with a new cover and this is what he’s produced.
You like it?
Let me know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Well…it’s certainly an interesting use of the creative talent. Are you calling that one the Mammary Cure?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

When I was in a different line of work than I am now, and answerable to someone else, I used to have a stock line that I used all the time, which was “[y]ou have my word that I will give your idea absolutely all the consideration that it’s due.”

People were remarkably happy with that. Suited me just fine.

Mike Scantlebury
3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Oh, you moaner. You didn’t like Version A, you don’t like Version B.
I know – you suggest a pic and I’ll get my artist to produce it.

3 years ago

have you looked at the best sellers in Women Sleuths and considered maybe trying for a similar look?

The best sellers all look a little like this:

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s just common sense that JC should be wearing *two* masks over that respirator.

Mike Scantlebury
3 years ago
Reply to  red

Sorry, mate. It’s not JC in the bed.
JC is the man with the ‘cure’. The old guys are all suffering from the disease and are all in hospital as patients, (including Mickey’s Dad, p87).

3 years ago

Mike–here’s a real, legit question. What is this book about? you have a bunch of sick guys–older men, presumably. This device, a SainSonic GB-818, Ultrasonic Wave Losing Weight Mini Beauty Massager, (Gadzooks), somehow cures these guys, is that right?

And somehow, this is tied to some super-attractive woman, who recognizes another spec ops guy, through a “secret grip” (that’s the Masons, btw, not Spec Ops), and meanwhile, your hero is trying to cure cancer with his sonic massager? This must be a different incarnation of Dr. Who, right?

I will be the first to admit, I have NO idea what you could possibly put on the cover for the book that you’ve described on the sales page, as the description, speaking honestly, doesn’t make much sense.

But what I can tell you is that you have categorized this book as Mystery-Romance, Women Sleuths,and Romantic Suspense, and neither of these covers–the original or the “new” one that looks like a sex parody–will sell this book.

“Women sleuths” are not supposed to look like Hospital Hookers, for one thing, and putting up a massage gun that VIBRATES, in a mystery for women? Are you doing that deliberately? Is that meant to be some coy play on words? In a book that is allegedly about some guy curing cancer?


3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

The hero is not the man curing cancer. The hero(ine) is Amelia Hartliss, fighting crime. She is a Woman Sleuth. She is in love with Mickey – hence Romantic Suspense.
I’m interested in the concept of Hospital Hookers. My missus was a Nurse all her life and didn’t have to offer physical healing to patients. Is it different these days? I thought you just paid extra to get a TV in your room.
The book is not about a man curing cancer. It’s about a man who says he can cure cancer. There’s a bit of a question mark about whether he does any good at all, ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I think you have missed my point entirely. I would strongly recommend that you view other books that are pitched as “Women Sleuths” and see how they are designed and targeted.

They are most certainly NOT made to look like an Escapee from a cheap skin rag, giving an in-hospital, errrr, massage or treatment, to the patient. Not for the (very massively largely) FEMALE audience for “Women Sleuths.”

Your cover image, this reworked cover image, is a major disconnect from the typical buyer and reader for that category.

But I sort of feel like we’re all going around in circles, here. I think you would be best served by (you) retaining a commercial cover designer, who knows what sells in which niche.

3 years ago
Reply to  red

JC isn’t the man in the bed. JC is the fraudster trying to sell ultrasound as a cure for cancer. (The guy in the bed is either Melia’s boss, Captain Gibson, or Mickey’s Dad – similar ages.)