What the holy s**tdoodle is that meant to BE? I honestly don’t know if it’s some flying or jumping animal…an attacking animal, being fended off with a mandolin? Is that what this is? Next to a tall skinny volcano?
Honestly, not being snarky. I have no idea WTF I’m looking at here.
Ron Miller
4 years ago
What the effety eff?
Well, I guess I have to take back what I said about her last cover…
Ron Miller
4 years ago
Oh dear lord! She has her own publishing company that offers services such as editing and—ghod help us—cover design….including illustration.
Oh, no. Lord. I’m honestly not sure which is worse, these days; the predators like PubAmerica, or the ones that prey on the unwitting because they themselves are unwitting and hapless. They don’t know what they don’t know.
Just “trying to help” and helping books into the trash pile of KDP History.
4 years ago
Is this a glitch from the original EverQuest release back in 1999?
Johno McMoose
4 years ago
At first glance, it looked like someone’s legs in grey tights and red shoes, which would fit the “pseudohumans” tag, while bringing the “bringing sexy back” into the mix. However, that would fail to explain some other elements, particularly the lute.
What the holy s**tdoodle is that meant to BE? I honestly don’t know if it’s some flying or jumping animal…an attacking animal, being fended off with a mandolin? Is that what this is? Next to a tall skinny volcano?
Honestly, not being snarky. I have no idea WTF I’m looking at here.
What the effety eff?
Well, I guess I have to take back what I said about her last cover…
Oh dear lord! She has her own publishing company that offers services such as editing and—ghod help us—cover design….including illustration.
Oh, no. Lord. I’m honestly not sure which is worse, these days; the predators like PubAmerica, or the ones that prey on the unwitting because they themselves are unwitting and hapless. They don’t know what they don’t know.
Just “trying to help” and helping books into the trash pile of KDP History.
Is this a glitch from the original EverQuest release back in 1999?
At first glance, it looked like someone’s legs in grey tights and red shoes, which would fit the “pseudohumans” tag, while bringing the “bringing sexy back” into the mix. However, that would fail to explain some other elements, particularly the lute.
And the flying headless…dog? or whatever that is?
I’ve an impression it’s a bundle of three tails. But from what creatures? Fat and short raccoons?
It looks like–gasp–the coats from Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing! Oh, the humanity!