Pornodrone [NSFW] February 10, 2021NathanCovers7 Comments Pornodrone Enough to make you swear off sex. bringing sexy back busybusybusy cut and paste filteriffic WTF Previous postThe Forbidden Quest: Book III Chandaran Chronicles Next postThe Legion of 5 (Demon Lord Book 11)
The cover on Amazon looks as though the author is trying to play off Cronenberg’s Videodrome without knowing the difference between drone and drome.
It’s probably set in Downtown Venus.
It’s astonishing how they still managed to cram Wolfie in, however distorted might he have been.
Pornodrone! I can hear Tina Turner now: “Two men enter…and that’s it.”
THAT one was great. I’d upvote the hell out of that if I could.
Mel Gibson: “Then what happens?”
Tina Turner: “Why would anything else need to happen?”
Welp, that’s my libido annihilated.