BLURB: The Murder Mamis / Washington Heights: Washington heights

“The Murder Mamis” washington heights is a thrilling novel that captures the life scandals, sex-fuels, drugs abuse, fame, power and murder of the underground world of washington heights new york city the big apple.

Yes please, give me 148 pages of that.

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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

I just had to look…and thank ghod it’s not written like that.

Luis pichardo
3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

This book is fire. Please take another look 🙏

3 years ago

“Sex fuels.” That’s a thing? Other than oysters and champagne, I mean?

Luis pichardo
3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

lol…I like that.

Luis pichardo
3 years ago

Great fast read 👌

3 years ago
Reply to  Luis pichardo

Luis–I don’t think you are quite getting the spirit here at LousyBookCovers (and BadBlurbs).com, brother. (BTW, in case anybody cares, I can’t find this book. Nathan, no idea how you did.)

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I don’t mean to be dense, but WHAT Amazon link in the OP? The title just goes here, to LBC, not Amazon. ???

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Ah, yes, my handy-dandy popup blocker. No offense, darlin’.