Loose Threads—a nice graphic image…that apparently has nothing whatsoever to do with the book
Lexie—a huge leap, from boring to boring
Mr. Bo—Mr. No
Parallel Lives—nope
Double Image—I kind of like this, but it needed to go just a step further
When Angels Fly—now you are just trying to be funny
Ugly Things We Hide—no you didn’t
Bodyguard—nope. (and, as usual, I wondered if the author really was ever listed in the NYT best seller list. Turns out he co-authored a couple of books with a Jennifer Crusie that made the list)
A Town Called Hope—hopeless
Loose Threads—a nice graphic image…that apparently has nothing whatsoever to do with the book
Lexie—a huge leap, from boring to boring
Mr. Bo—Mr. No
Parallel Lives—nope
Double Image—I kind of like this, but it needed to go just a step further
When Angels Fly—now you are just trying to be funny
Ugly Things We Hide—no you didn’t
Bodyguard—nope. (and, as usual, I wondered if the author really was ever listed in the NYT best seller list. Turns out he co-authored a couple of books with a Jennifer Crusie that made the list)
A Town Called Hope—hopeless
Meanwhile, the author of When Angels Fly…