22,000 videos sold: my fetish self-exploration turned into Real Money on Clips4Sale. Now it’s your turn!: Earn money from home: My clips4sale step-by-step setup guide to your adult home business

22,000 videos sold: my fetish self-exploration turned into Real Money on Clips4Sale. Now it’s your turn!: Earn money from home: My clips4sale step-by-step setup guide to your adult home business

Note 1: So what looks like the title, “From Student to Power Mom,” isn’t on the Amazon listing.

Note 2: Isn’t this one where I should be able to use the “bringing sexy back” tag?

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4 years ago

You know, every time I think that this site has driven my faith in humanity to zero, you post something that pushes it even lower. I guess I should take this as a hopeful sign: I still believe in my species enough that I can be disappointed.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Which explains why there is no spoon.

El Cochinote
4 years ago

A video of a half-naked woman designing a lousy book cover could be my new fetish…

4 years ago

why do so many “how to make money” books look like their covers were made by people who are broke af? Like, I do not believe you have actually made any money when your book looks like this.

Charles Cassady Jr.
Charles Cassady Jr.
3 years ago

I just want to know how much she had to pay Dr. Evil for loan of his chair.

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago

If the money-making scheme works so well, why do you have to sell the scheme?

3 years ago

That is ALWAYS my question. “If this works, then why are you a salesman for it?”

LBC Participant
LBC Participant
3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Especially considering how self important people become when they achieve some level of wealth. They don’t want to share it or anything related to how they accumulated it. They want to feel special and keep it to themselves.

3 years ago

Eh, maybe. If someone makes a chunk, but not eff-you money–say, they do X and pull down $100K, that’s vastly different than making Eff You Money, (meaning you can tell everybody where to go and remain happy for the remainder of your life.) People with Eff You Money are frequently very happy to tell you what they did, because it’s likely not repeatable. Right product/service, right time, right place.

But people who make a small chunk, like $100K…yes, they’ll hang on to what they did like death itself because they plan to keep doing it. All those “how to make a million” or whatever books, on Amazon–most are laughable, they’re by people who don’t have a pot to pee in.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I’m reminded of Dogbert’s strategy for making a million.

1) Write a book

2) Charge $100 for it

3) Get 10,000 suckers to buy it

3 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

Oh, wouldst that I could upvote that comment 10,000x!