Plain Jane Evans and the Billionaire (The Rags to Romance Series Book 3)
Is this the least enthralling billionaire romance cover out there? I’m not willing to do the research to find out.
Plain Jane Evans and the Billionaire (The Rags to Romance Series Book 3)
Is this the least enthralling billionaire romance cover out there? I’m not willing to do the research to find out.
Because billionaires look nothing like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or George Soros.
He made his billions the old fashioned way… off of his pecs
Or, hey, Mark Zuckerberg, or the Twitter guy that now looks like he’s Tom Hanks in the movie with the soccer ball, or, or, or. Yup, Billionaires always look like 20-something boy toys.
My brain must be miswired. I just don’t get why these bare-chested or muscle-bound covers seem to work. Or the reverse for men, either. I just don’t.
Rejected 50 Shades of Grey cover art entry #482; collect em all.