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4 years ago

You would be shocked, Nathan, at how many of those (Grandparents) we get, at my shop. It’s boggling. Doing just this–self-drawn, self-written, self-published kids’ books. I keep thinking that it must just be a treat for their grandkids, or something along those lines.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Yeah. I think that’s largely a combination of naïveté, ignorance about self-publishing or private POD printing options (like B&N’s NookPress printing options), and a wee bit of pride.

I think that many believe that Amazon is the only real option and at Amazon, you can’t just truly SELF-publish, for yourself or family only, if you see what I mean? I’ve had more than a few say, “I just want this for my grandkids,” and if I feel that they really mean that, I’ll send them to Ingram or B&N where they can buy 20 or however many copies and give them away to family members.

But, yes…we do get those that push the magic PUBLISH button and don’t understand what making sales really takes.