“The Spirit Guide:”: “Journey Through Life” December 21, 2020NathanCovers6 Comments “The Spirit Guide:”: “Journey Through Life” I guess the quotation marks really are an integral part of the title. Cargo Cult Template credit where credit is due punctuation matters Previous postThe Old Gods of Desolation Next postGirl From the Blue Cloud Nebula
Dear KDP:
Please, please take mercy on us and KILL. THIS. TEMPLATE!
Kill it, before it reproduces again!
It looks like this template is starting to degrade with each passing generation. Maybe another 10-15 generations and it will be gone?
I can’t wait that long. Help me, I’m mellllltinnnngggg….
We cant. It’s like the alien from The Thing.
The book is so embarrassed by its cover that it’s using an alias so no one will know its real name.
Look! The Template is corroding on one side! It must have some old leaky batteries in it! Maybe it will become completely inoperative before long!