The Great Martian War: The Gathering Storm

The Great Martian War: The Gathering Storm

“Ooh, thanks for the great artwork! I’ll take it from here.”

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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

It’s hard to believe that Zmok books are distributed by Simon and Schuster. Here is their home port…which is no improvement.

3 years ago

For the love of Pete, please center the series title! Having it just off like that makes me want to reach into my computer and yank it over about an inch.

3 years ago

My first thought was, “well, the art’s not bad.” My second thought was, “wait, why are there Christmas lights all over that ship on the left,” and then I realized, “well, there goes my first thought.”

And ALGERIAN? Really? That font for this cover? I mean…whut? Did they hire a “designer” for the cover that’s right out of 11th-Grade Art classes? Or a Fiverr that has decided that design just ain’t that hard? What about that artwork says, “use Algerian here and use it in black?” Unfreakingbelievable.

3 years ago

Attempt with a condensed Univers instead…

Francois Tremblay
Francois Tremblay
3 years ago
Reply to  dtw

That looks a LOT better.