Hell’s Detective: Lust December 9, 2020NathanCovers6 Comments Hell’s Detective: Lust “Lust.” That’s just the word you were thinking of, isn’t it? BOO-ring Cargo Cult Template Previous postLet The Bullets Fly Next postBirth of a Side Chick
Well, what about the 6 other Deadly Sins? Equal time here, please
Doubtless there will be sequels to address that. Greed will show a curtain. Gluttony will be a giant rock. Sloth will be a picture of a fairy queen.
Maybe this author is seriously turned on by the idea of sex in abandoned buildings? Not my thing, but everyone is entitled to his own kink.
Urbex sex?
Well, that building on the right looks kinda cute…
Aye keed! Aye keed!
Apparently, this warehouse’s been adapted as a naughty movie studio.