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4 years ago

Here I go again…

I’m assuming that the cover designer was given the character sketches by the author. Assuming that that assumption is correct, I have to say that I think the cover designer did the best job possible. I’m further assuming that the author insisted on the Kirkus review on the cover (nearly unreadable), and all that.

The elements almost make me want to read it. The poor judgment evinced around the drawing makes me hesitate; the tag line makes me think…“maybe.”

So now, c’mon, Nathan, gang, castigate me! Tell me how off I am…

4 years ago

The cover looks better if I squint, taking away some of the excess flaring and blurring, especially around the author’s name. There’s a crispness to the lava/explosion and the Krikus quote that is lacking in the characters, title, and author byline, so that my eye wants to go to the background and fine print rather than the supposed main-focus. Sigh…

4 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Yup. You iz right.

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
4 years ago

The byline made me think my glasses were suddenly in need of cleaning.