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9 years ago

Uplifting you say?

9 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

Does kicking it as high as you can count as uplifting?

9 years ago

Alternate title: “Prozac is fun!” A friend of mine who took Prozac recreationally one time told me how they got caught by a shower that day and got drenched to the bone. He was soaked and freezing, but he didn’t give a fu*k about any of it, it was all cool. That’s when he realized that sh*t was just too dangerous. When it’s raining, you want yourself to want to get out of the rain, you don’t want yourself to simply shrug your shoulders and not care about catching pneumonia. That’s what this cover reminds me of. Life sucks, but who gives a rat’s ass? I’m so doped up everything looks cheerful to me.

No art for the refrigerator tag? I’m disappointed.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

That’s one side of Prozac. The other side is way less fun :/

I tried reading some of the stuff inside and… SERIOUSLY? Did the author just chop up the pages of a teen magazine from the eighties and paste in whatever random sentences came out? It’s full of the kind of things my mother used to say to me to get me to go away when I tried to talk to her while she was watching a soap opera!

9 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

I can’t imagine a teenager that wouldn’t get seriously pissed off if someone gave her this book (‘him’ would get extra offended with the advice to go paint his nails). It’s like telling your child “I don’t get you and I don’t even want to, but take this awesome colorful book and it will help you deal with all your stupid little insignificant problems you might think you have.”

9 years ago

17 5 star reviews and no bad reviews?! Well snap! Life doesn’t suck that bad now does it?

9 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

I can’t imagine this getting all those reviews the honest way. The inside is full of “common sense” advice from someone who has obviously never in her life been actually “down” and has no idea how it feels like. What’s worse, the “advice” is written in huge letters in every font that came pre-installed with Windows, the main font being comic sans. One page has only two advices across the entire page that say: “paint your nails” and “listen to your favorite music over and over”. Painting my nails isn’t going to help much if I’m down, and chances are, if I’m feeling bad, I’m already listening to favorite music over and over again and I don’t need your awesome “advice”. Seriously, have you ever known a kid that doesn’t listen to music, and probably the same one over and over? If these reviews are real, the frightening part is that parents buy this book for their kids to “help” them instead of getting involved in their lives themselves. A book full of condescending advice such as “oh, you’re feeling down? Go paint your nails, that’ll magically make everything better.” These are more like “I’m bored on Saturday afternoon and don’t know what to do with myself” kind of advices.

What’s worse, the few illustrations I’ve seen are very red, which makes them look angry, even if the subject is not. Nothing like the cheerful rainbow vomit on the cover.

9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

When reading the reviews I did get a ‘These are scripted’ feel about them. They all read similar and it was like the reviewers needed to address specific points in their reviews. They actually made me feel a little dirty.

I noticed the haphazard and non-centred design with the sickening fonts as well. Truly awful. The advice in this book could literally end lives.

This book needs to go ‘Paint its nails’.

9 years ago

Should it not include ‘credit where credit is due’ tag?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

“Life Kind Of Sucks”

So does this cover. So does the blurb on this cover. So does the “wallpaper” on this cover.

I kind of like the lizard thingie, though.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Life Kind Of Sucks

just begs for the subtitle:

. . . And Then You Sort of Die

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Does this cover accurately reflect and advertise this book? The vibe I get is, like man, Blue Cheer, Great Society, Grateful Dead, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Monterey Pop, Fillmore West, Woodstock “the brown acid is not specifically too good”.

What I have seen from the book is, well, read the advice (“Sometimes it helps to: … Paint your nails.”) in context of the back cover blurb “I bought this book for my son, …” Kids got problems? Throw some mindnumbing drugs at ’em. Just don’t get involved and let them bring you down.