Scarlet Dawn November 9, 2020NathanBlast From the Past, Covers7 Comments Scarlet Dawn Or, as the cover reads, SCARLET [unintelligible]. (originally posted February 3, 2014) bad font choice readability Previous postThe Lost Revelation Next postMalchediel: Warrior Angel
Or, as the cover really reads, FXARLET YAWN.
Jesus, what were they thinking?
If I hadn’t come in already knowing what it was supposed to say, then forget being able to decipher the letters, I don’t think I would even recognize them AS letters. I think my reaction would be, “Gee, pale face has some weird-looking scars.”
From the “Shoot yourself in the foot” school of graphic design.
At thumbnail size on my laptop, the title is less readable and the dark red author is hard to see against the dark background.
OMG, there’s a dark red author in there somewhere? Where, in the background?????
This is why you never try to carve salyer in your flesh when drunk.
Edgelord!! 🚨