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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
4 years ago

What did I ever do to Naomi to deserve this?

4 years ago

Did anybody–anybody at ALL–notice that there’s this wee man, over there on the left-hand-side of the cover? I completely missed it, in viewing this cover several times. The glowy blue-white orbs completely made me miss the man–until I was looking yet once again at the utterly inexplicable use of the dreaded Createspace-cum-Amazon-KDP template for the cover with those cursed Lego-building-block lines strewn horizontally across the image.

I mean…whut? Granted, even without the Legos, this cover displays a remarkable lack of taste, but adding those was truly the coup de grâce.

“Here, gentle reader. I haven’t ruined your day nearly enough. Let me revenge myself upon you with obscuring the entire point of the cover, the teeny man!”

4 years ago

Well, I’m impressed. The title is spelled the same way both times.