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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
4 years ago

Welcome back, Wolfie!

4 years ago

Y’know, one of the things that literally makes me LOL is this blithely ignorant or cavalier ignoring of the reality of what “alpha males” mean, in a pack of wolves. How the woman is always driving the bus, front and center, and how she keeps the two males dancing on a string. It’s ridiculous. I remember reading some werewolf fiction, and at least that author had the sense to make the females unwillingly subordinate to the males–and it created a wonderful amount of tension to the storyline, too.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Now that you say it, a lot of these romances paint the Alphas as aggressive toward other males but a relative puppy to his desired female. It goes against the whole meaning or depth of it. In this cover, she’s blatantly bored with them both.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Books like these are why self publishing still has the stigma it does. Amazon’s kindle store is practically a landfill with this stuff.

4 years ago
Reply to  Myk

Perhaps, but it’s not as though Harlequin and the like aren’t equally willing to cater to this demographic with equally awful books.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

I agree, Myk. It’s absolutely NOT just self-pubbing and, like many other…well, whatever, genres, it certainly seems to find an audience. Fantasy has its uses, presumably.

4 years ago

Is that…The same dude…But with his hair photoshopped on the right?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Most surely from the same photographer. Agency, maybe. Photographer, definitely. That same “smoldering look” idea, LOL. To my eyes, they both look sulky and annoyed, rather than smoldering, but, hey, that’s just me.