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4 years ago

So what’s in the book? Looks like the cover is an advert for a website and nothing else.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago
Reply to  Davourak

The book is free to download. Find out what’s in the book. Tens of thousands of people already have.

4 years ago

Mark, “download the book to find out what’s in it” is a terrible attitude to have from both a PR and marketing strategy. Bragging about tens of thousands of downloads (if that figure is indeed accurate) isn’t impressive when the book is free. And while the book may even be good, Davourak’s point still stands – the cover is so generic in concept as to hardly be enticing to the reader. And that’s to say say nothing about the poor image quality which for an ebook is inexcusable.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago
Reply to  Myk

The only thing I have to say about that is, it’s working! Have a nice day.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago

I’m sorry you don’t like the cover. Fortunately, you’re in the minority. The book is being downloaded thousands of times. Website visits are also in the thousands per month and growing. Thanks for the ad.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mark I. Jacobson
Francois Tremblay
Francois Tremblay
4 years ago

Do you have severe myopia??

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago

No. Why do you ask?

Francois Tremblay
Francois Tremblay
4 years ago

If you think this cover is okay, you must have some kind of undiagnosed ocular problem. It’s blurry af. the fact that people like your writing has nothing to do with the cover being blurry, so that’s just an illogical statement.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago

Thanks. I guess you didn’t stop to think that’s what I was going for. It was much easier to insult me and consider yourself clever. You’ll notice that the title isn’t conventional, either. The cover is the first thing that people notice and, judging by the thousands of downloads around the world, it seems to be working. It also does a great job of drawing people to the website, whether or not they download the book. That leads to more downloads of the book and involvement in future projects. It even got me free advertising on this website. Even if people agree with the opinions expressed on this website, they will probably visit my website.

4 years ago

If it WAS your intention to make the cover blurry – and it doesn’t seem blurry in an artistic sense, more like an unintentionally inept sense – I have to ask, why? What is the point of it?

Francois Tremblay
Francois Tremblay
4 years ago

Every time you go on and on about how many people have downloaded your book, you are showing how delusional you are. The fact that many people have downloaded your book (for free) does not mean your cover is excellent. The fact that you believe I am “insulting” you only proves the depth of your delusion. From your insufferable attitude, I can’t imagine your writing is that good.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago

You’re making me laugh. You don’t get the fact that the book downloads translate into numbers that help with the marketing of the entire project.

People don’t have to read the book to go to the website. I would like it if they did, but going to the website is just as good. Self-published authors don’t make a whole lot of money, marketers do.

I have a number projects going at any one time. Some of those projects will make money. Other projects are good for society or things that I’m interested in.

As for whether it was intentional or unintentional, you noticed it and it seems to bother you. It also got me free advertising on this website. That’s all I’ll say about it.

By the way, keep up the insults. They say so much about the kind of person you are.

4 years ago

That’s all well and good, but the book has been published since November 2019 and has 2 ratings, with one review. The only posted review is a 1-star. The other rating–which could have been done by anyone, you included–is apparently a 5- or 4-star, and it’s unsigned and incomplete, as the person who loved your book so much couldn’t be bothered to tell anyone why they did. When I give 5 stars, you better betcha I write a review to go with it.

Your freebie giveaway rank is 53,000, which means that in the FREE store, there are 52,000+ books that people like more than yours. When your book is free, it’s on dozens of lists, all over the net. There are hoarders, who go through and do mass downloads of free books. Doesn’t mean that they read them or that they like them. IF you were in KDP Select, in KU, then you’d know exactly how many people ever bothered to open the cover, or read the pages–but because you aren’t, you can tell yourself anything you want. But that doesn’t make it true or remotely accurate.

To anyone who’s seen it 50x over, that cover is simply a mistake. It was made far too low-rez, too small and that’s why it looks like that. Blurry covers like that are a plague, all over Amazon; everybody here has seen them repeatedly.

Lastly–in case you don’t know, there are tools out there that can tell anybody at all what your website traffic is. Your Alexa rank is ZERO. It calculates that you are not even getting one–ONE–single unique page visit per day. I mean…give that whole spiel a rest. Anybody, anywhere, can find out that “tens of thousands” or “thousands” of people are not visiting your website.

If you want to take your book off of life-support, get a decent cover. You don’t have to invest money to do it; just learn the right way by viewing tutorials around the net.

Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Seriously, you guys need to get hobbies or something. You’re making my book cover your reason for living.

I don’t care about any of the things you’ve mentioned. I’m not selling the book. Since it’s not exclusively on Amazon. I don’t care about the free rating. I don’t care about ratings, period. The book is being downloaded on a dozen different platforms around the world. That’s all that matters.

As far as my book being on life support, I’ll worry about that when it stops making money for me. I know you’re trying to make me feel bad. What I don’t understand is why you are trying to make me feel bad. You don’t even know me. Maybe the pandemic has given you more time on your hands than you can handle. It’s not working because I’m seeing better then anticipated results.

You guys have a happy holiday season, and try to find something other than me to entertain you in the new year. I won’t be responding to your comments, anymore. I’ve said everything that needs to be said. Stay safe.

Oh, and thanks for visiting my website. Your visits just added to my marketing success.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mark I. Jacobson
4 years ago

Well, going from 0 visits to 1 visit a day would, indeed, be a massive jump in website traffic. Go try to tell Alexa that it’s got your website traffic wrong. Lotsa luck with that.

Nobody here is making your book cover our reason for living. If you don’t like the comments you get, ignore them. Or fix the damned hideous cover. Your choice. The idea that you’re making money from a book that you’re giving away, on a website with literally zero traffic…well. Oh, and by the way–it’s not a “continuum” Novel. It’s just a plain old vanilla serial.

4 years ago

is it wrong that I love it when this happens?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Gee, anybody want to take a shot at guessing who’s doing all the downvoting? Sheesh, what’s he thinking now?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

AH, that explains it. For once, I thought that a poster that said “I’m DONE posting here and I won’t answer you any longer!,” actually lived up to what he’d said. I mean, there’s always a first time. Guess it wasn’t this time, either.

We can leave those pesky -1’s as a testament to his presence.

I mean, why NOT JUST FIX the goddamned cover, which is so obviously just badly wrought? It’s not even the content (arguably, anyway) but the incredibly crappy way in which it was saved and uploaded? Who does that on purpose, or worse, leaves it up when they realize just how awful (offal!) it is?

I do not get it. (SMH)

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

No, it’s almost surely bad content as well. Reading his Amazon descriptions, he’s clearly quite in live with himself.