Mi’lady is in for a humdinger of a paper cut holding the blade like that . . .
Johno McMoose
4 years ago
Didn’t know Henry I, or his daughter for that matter, had owned a mirror-image copy of Szczerbiec (Jagged Blade), the coronation sword of Polish kings.
Mi’lady is in for a humdinger of a paper cut holding the blade like that . . .
Didn’t know Henry I, or his daughter for that matter, had owned a mirror-image copy of Szczerbiec (Jagged Blade), the coronation sword of Polish kings.
That sword sounds ducking awesome.
It’d be far MORE awesome if it wasn’t back-asswards. Check out the inscription against the actual inscription: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szczerbiec
I just spent a half an hour reading about this sword, its fascinating. It also just kicks the stupidity of this cover up about twenty notches . . .
I got as far as “My fat…” something, could not read the rest.