AVENGER: an Artemus Newton Thriller by June 25, 2020NathanCovers4 Comments AVENGER: an Artemus Newton Thriller by Yes, “by” is part of the title on Amazon. BOO-ring Cargo Cult Template instamatic Previous postShe’s Having a Baby: The Saints of San Diego Next postThe Big Bang Play: Beginning of the End
Wow, so all of this guy’s covers are like this, huh?
Branding, you know.
“Hey dad, while you’ve got that shirt on, can you just stand over there with this prop gun for a sec… oh, no reason, just need a picture for my latest, um, project thingy…”
“Do you need me to smile or something?”
“Nah, just stand there with a dumb look on your face. If you can look like you’re really, really bored, that’s a bonus.”