Red, White, Blue and Colors

Red, White, Blue and Colors

Also, check out “About the Author” in the blurb.

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El cochinote
4 years ago

Ah, yes, another piece of art published by Dorrance (in QuarkXPress!). Also, the author seems to be a part-time butcher and plastic surgeon.

4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

Ah – I made a similar comment (even including “Quark!”) on another title before seeing this. Ha. Oh well. So there’s a lot of this about, it seems.

4 years ago

Drives me nuts knowing Dorrance charges people an arm and a leg to produce this garbage.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
4 years ago
Reply to  Myk

Google search on subsidy publisher Dorrance returns: “Publishing fees reported to TIPM vary from $2,400 to $18,000.”

Someone who bothers to go beyond word processing and learn desktop publishing and how to create a print quality PDF can self publish their garbage through one of the print-on-demand services for far less than $2,400. Some of them actually make money at it, rather than lose their shirts.

4 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

About the Author

Kent Spade is one of God’s children with a wild vision, derived from what he’s seen with his own eyes. He is a sharp blade, cutting open the skins of sensitivity, chopping off the useless fat of correctness and showing you the truth within through fiction.

In other words: “Kent Spade is the kind of guy who has ‘Speaks Truth To Power’ printed in bold lettering under the ‘Achievements’ header on his resume.”