Have We Met Before: “I’ll see you again”

Have We Met Before: “I’ll see you again”

What the hellish hell…

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El cochinote
4 years ago

Although the cover screams professionalism, the inside of the book is even worse than you might expect. It is good to see that Dorrance always exceeds our expectations.

4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

El cochinote–I think that once again, you were sucked in by the pretty-pretty colors! I’m pretty sure that “professionalism” never crossed that book’s existence.

El cochinote
4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I feel ashamed because I tried to be sarcastic and, just like in person, I am bad at it he he he.

4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

LOL, nah, it’s on me. I was entirely too literal. Mea culpa, sweetie, I’ve had a really s**t week.

4 years ago

Does it seem that the aspect ratio would make the gun a tad unwieldy?!? Could be it’s modeled after The Joker’s impossibly long pistol in the Michael Keaton Batman!

4 years ago

I’m getting Animorphs vibes from this