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4 years ago

In terms of the art…the very noticeable dark triangle at the top of her legs is just…unmissable. If one’s trying to talk about the insanity of men, well…

4 years ago

Oh God . .OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD . . .You want bad? The first paragraph of the sample inside, IF MY READING IS CORRECT, has children engaging in anal sex, I SH*T YOU NOT . . .someone please tell me I’m wrong!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
4 years ago
Reply to  Myk

“One day while playing house …” This title is listed as Literature & Fiction, but I think it is more a memoir than erotica. Most Amazon erotica follows the house rule of no active participants under 18 (or whatever the age of consent in the country listing the books).

No problem here though: the credits page includes this disclaimer from Dorrance:

“The contents of this work, including, but not limited to, the accuracy of events, people, and places depicted; opinions expressed; permission to use previously published materials included; and any advice given or actions advocated are soley the responsibilty of the author, who assumes all liability against any claims stemming from publication of the work.”

Dorrance kept their derriere covered, even if the narrator didn’t.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
4 years ago

Is she walking on a shiny path through the grass or is she walking on a stream from what appears to be a waterfall in the background?