Restart: Book One of the Shadow Hunter Series

Restart: Book One of the Shadow Hunter Series

I think you should begin again, again.

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El cochinote
4 years ago

Why doesn’t anyone buy my book if I paid a lot to publish it?

Also, I love the cover’s concept, but just the concept.

4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

Well, if you don’t know if your book’s title is shadow hunter or shadow killer, maybe that’s a clue.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Isn’t “Shadowhunters” the name of Cassandra Clare’s series? I know it’s not a copyright violation, since you can’t copyright titles, but it still feels slightly scammy to me.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

It’s certainly the name of the TV show made from her books, yes. I don’t know if it’s the subtitle of the actual books. Maybe that’s why now it’s “shadow killer” and not “shadow hunter?”