Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper

Chase that trend! Chase it! [h/t Curtis]

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4 years ago

“During a worldwide Pandemic, the stores are facing a shortage of toilet paper, hand sanitisers. The shelves are empty. The spreading of the virus, makes the world a grim place.”

Really? I must have missed that.

Also, 27 pages? Come on, you’ve been in lock-down for a month and that’s all?

El cochinote
4 years ago

So… Can I use this cover to wipe my…?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

Sorry it’s a Kindle book.

4 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

Emma proposes you give it the old college try:

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
4 years ago

If Amazon had any business sense, they would to make a Kindle bundle of
Toilet Paper and
As Good as Gold