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5 years ago

THIS . . .



5 years ago
Reply to  Myk

Hey, it ain’t the poor innocent template’s fault. I mean, who told that author to effing USE IT? Did they simply forget to put the byline on the cover? How’s that the poor template’s fault? Poor thing, you’re gonna drive it to suicide with all that hate, bro.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

You’re right, its not the cover’s fault. I’m just astounded at how often it gets used – there are SO many books in the Cargo Cult Template tag with this setup – How . . . HOW are the authors NEVER bothered by the fact that the title gets generated twice? That this thing clearly is too emotionally ascetic as designed to be used for anything with action or drama, it seems better fit for an instruction manual or a textbook- but still finds it way on books that go across all genres. It just dumbfounds me, Hitch.

5 years ago
Reply to  Myk

Yabbut, it’s obvious that the author TYPED it that way. I mean, look, right there, it says “Mozzy Presents: Mozzy…”

That’s not the template. That’s someone that either isn’t paying attention–because they can see this RIGHT in the cover creator–or worse, someone who wants it that way.

It boggles me too, Myk. It truly does. But sadly, I see worse every. single. day.