BLURB: Yeshua Unveiled Books of Wisdom Prepare E Books: Master Yeshua’s Heavenly Revelations for the Troubled Times – A Way to God

Heavenly Spiritual Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding that was promised and given by The Master Yeshua, who said his name was incorrectly Romanized to “Jesus” which weakened the spiritual power of His name to be used by believers. It does not compare to the power of His true birth name “Yeshua.”. Warnings, Advice, Revelations were personally given during OOBE or spirit communion to several beings on Earth, who were asked to relay His Message to any soul who desires to hear it. That is any Soul who wills to overcome Selfishness, Hatred, Ignorance, Lies & Deceptions, that takes a soul into the road of sorrow and pain, and away from true life and harmony with the Supreme Creator. The comprehensive knowledge of human beings, angels, demons and the Source of All Life that is called God is explored and the path to what is now called Salvation, Liberation and /or Transcendence is revealed to anyone who desires to know and walk that way to True Freedom. As foretold: You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you FREE.

Plus, if you put the accent on the wrong syllable, YOU GO TO HELL.

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El cochinote
5 years ago

Okay, I accept the scolding, but… What is the book about?

This book is creepy AF, but the fact that is credited to Yesua/Jesus (or whatever you want to call him/her/it) makes it even creepier.