Time to Move On January 14, 2020NathanCovers5 Comments Time To Move On Tears. This cover brought me to absolute tears. BOO-ring bulletin board layout cut and paste font boredom mismatched art styles pixelation readability Previous postNew Covers For Old 2020, Day XIII Next postMy Snapper Cat: Zoo of Exotic Magical Creatures (Tail 1)
This is the most WTF cover I’ve ever seen on LBC.
And that’s REALLY saying something.
So much information and yet I know so little about this story
Time to move on to another cover designer.
C’mon, guys, its obviously about a Jewish hillbilly whose trailer park has spotty wifi, trying to solve the mystery of a Star Wars LARPer killed when the circus comes to town, but he keeps misplacing his magnifying glass.
Its as plain as the nose on your face.