New Covers For Old 2020, Day XV

Mostly just incremental improvements here.

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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4 years ago

Many of these are like a kid’s game: who can spot the difference between the new and old?

4 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

Yeah, that’s my ponderment–I mean, NAAAATHAN, the
“Darkness beyond the light” cover–that’s cheating. Uploading a properly-sized cover is NOT a new cover, dude.

I will say that Red Wine and Summer Storms is significantly better, if not knocking it outta the park.

4 years ago

I love how when these authors do make changes to their covers, they keep the worst aspects of that cover, like the font for Beast Slayer.

4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Honestly? Am I the only one who thought that Beastslayer was better before it was “improved”? I thought he removed the only elements that remotely salvaged it in the first place.

And yes, that font should die a terrible horrible death.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Sure, layout in terms of where the text is, the meaningless smoke, but the image itself? Nyet!!! Nyet, I say!

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I agree, the image in the first cover was far more appealing than the revised cover’s image.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I disagree. In the first version, it looks like the Beastslayer is asking the Beast out for coffee, and the Beast is trying to figure out a polite way to decline, whereas in the second, the image is actually quite dynamic and suitable for the genre. Assuming it’s Swords and Sorcery and not Inter-species Romance, which is a big assumption around here.

Granted, other aspects of the cover need improvement still, but I like the second version better.

4 years ago
Reply to  Philo

Oh dear, I just looked at the larger image on Amazon….it appears the barbarian was cut and pasted from a low res image into the higher res image of the snake and the background. So it’s still a candidate for LBC on all fronts, although I feel it’s headed in the right direction

4 years ago
Reply to  Philo

Philo, in fact, I said, in the original submission that it looked as though the Beastslayer was getting ready to offer the Beast an Altoid–but, regardless of the dynamics of the pose, the quality of the drawing, for the first cover, is STILL dramatically better than the 2nd.

The effectiveness of the poses for the characters is actually a different discussion. Just sayin’.