New Covers For Old 2020, Day XIV

There are a few real winners in here. Yay!

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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4 years ago

Wow. At least 3 covers that improved markedly. Divine Dissimulation is exponentially better (although, I can only THINK that that’s a spaceship on the cover, but still…); Reconciliation, which I’m leaning toward as this group’s winner; Eternal Beauty–although that goldy-yellow text on the pinkish-red background kinda makes me wince, and even My Little Farm Girl is much, MUCH better. That’s four (altho, My Little Farm Girl is still not fabulous–the readability is terrible, but the image and the font are much, much better.)

Unusual, that so many in one group have tried at least to fix their covers and done a pretty decent and in one case, terrific job.