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El cochinote
5 years ago

Haunted by forgotten Halloween decorations…

Also, 3 bucks for 14 pages? Man, I love to write short novels (30k to 40k words), but this insane…

5 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

The Look Inside suggests a style that reminds me of the sort of story I used to write when I was in about third grade (this happens, then that happens, then another thing happens, and we’re all in one long paragraph even as multiple people have dialog). I’m wondering if this is some elementary schooler’s masterpiece.

B.L. Alley
5 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

$7 for the paperback which isn’t linked, and shows another author with the same last name who is apparently not getting credit (or wisely chose not to be credited with this mess)

B.L. Alley
5 years ago

A minimum-effort cover for a minimum-effort story. Sorry, nut even in elementary school we knew how to format paragraphs.