A collection of interesting encounters with cryptids November 24, 2019NathanCovers6 Comments A collection of interesting encounters with cryptids And as usual, it’s a Bigfoot photo without Bigfoot. BOO-ring Cargo Cult Template Previous postSaving Bluestone Belle Next postThe Red Cliffs of Zerhoun
“Interesting” … waves cover: “refuted thus.”
Because Bigfoot wouldn’t sign a model release.
Someone really should just eliminate all instances of fonts that make your words look out of focus.
Perhaps a hobby is in order if you find encounters with nothing “interesting”. That byline is “mostly awful”.
At least the photo is accurate.
I feel like the pink isn’t doing anyone any favors.
This cover is a great example of why Cargo Cult Template is my favorite category; it amazes me how people can even destroy a cover with most of the setup done for them.