BLURB: Move over Shakespeare Tales from the Baron

I am a direct descendant of the famous Phineas Taylor Barnum, aka P. T. Barnum, the Greatest Showman on Earth. The reaction of people that have heard or read this poetry is mind-blowing, to say the least. It has been compared to Shakespeare numerous times, which is a huge compliment. It is suggested that everyone, everywhere, should own a copy of this book from literary and English educators as well as high school and college students and anyone who loves to read.

Some poems may make you profoundly think, while others may make you sad, some may make you laugh, and some are faith-based. The hope is that every poem you read will inspire and feed your imagination and leave you wanting to read more. Buckle up and get ready for a wild adventure coming. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if just the first poem in the book is turned into a huge Hollywood movie!

Even given the strong possibility that this Barnum descendant is pulling our legs, this is horrifying.

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5 years ago

Whatever else you can say about Barnum, he was a showman who knew how to sell his wares. I’m pretty sure that if he saw his name being invoked in this blurb, the spinning in his grave would be enough to power the entire United States.

El cochinote
5 years ago

I love this [TotallyNotFake] reviews! Gonna buy it now!
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5 years ago

Still hoping that there’s a sucker born every minute…