Pretty Bright October 29, 2019NathanCovers6 Comments Pretty Bright It even references “LBC” in the Amazon description! instamatic readability Previous postBlackwood Next postJordan & Mikhaila Peterson – Our Carnivore Diet: How to cure Depression and Disease with Meat only: Revised Transcripts and Blogposts. Featuring Dr. Shawn Baker.
“Author of Deadly Decisions & Deadly Decisions” Uhhhhhh, thanks, sugah, but you really only gotta tell us once…
That may be part of the readability tag.
If you zoom in real real real close there’s a green “II” overprinting the green “y” in “pretty”
I’ve zoomed, looked, zoomed some more…I don’t see any II there. Whatever, you’d think SOMEBODY mighta noticed, eh?
The second “I” is just overlapping her left arm. Looking back from there, I can see the remains of the first one, though it’s mostly covered by the green “y.”
Whatever, you’d think SOMEBODY mighta noticed, eh?
You’d think so if anyone had actually looked at this cover before it got posted. That however, assumes facts not in evidence.
God it looks like a myspace page got turned into a book cover🤢🤮
Pretty Bright? More like Kinda Dim.