Hessdalen lights!: What’s happening in the norwegian mountains? October 14, 2019NathanCovers5 Comments Hessdalen lights!: What’s happening in the norwegian mountains? How can you deny this evidence? bulletin board layout font boredom pixelation Previous postThe Giza Death Star Restored Next postCHINA WEIRD: 10,000 Years of Strangeness
They’re becoming Norwegian Woods? Hard to tell with the pixelation and all!
Wow! I haven’t seen a picture this clear and compelling since I last used the “draw pixel by pixel” tool in MS paint!
It’s a shame the “light” is so blurry, because the rest of the cover is incredibly dynamic.
I see that this cover got graded with some “nils” from the Office for Standards in Design, OFSTAD.
“Hessdalens in this rear view mirror may be closer than they appear.”
(I’m guessing that “Hessdalen” means “Chevrolet semi-truck” in Norwegian.)