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5 years ago

Okay, so…I know that this isn’t “ClientsFromHell-the bookmaker version” but I gotta share this one.

We had a client with a non-fiction business book. The cover designer, a good one (you know him/her, sports fans, from CCritics.com) designed a mockup using silhouettes almost exactly like these. We send it off to get feedback on the overall look/theme, etc.

The client’s question comes back:

“My wife wants to know, why aren’t there any white people on the cover?”

Ya can’t make this stuff up.

B.L. Alley
B.L. Alley
5 years ago

Once again, I’m pretty sure I could afford a better cover if I was a best selling author. In fact, I paid nothing for better covers than this.

5 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

As the expression goes, money can’t buy good taste.

B.L. Alley
B.L. Alley
5 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

But it apparently buys the false belief they are good writers.