

[I want my, I want my, I want hegemony]

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B.L. Alley
5 years ago

Space…the boring frontier. How does a book with this cover and enough interior issues to receive a “quality issues reported” badge get more reviews than I have total readers? SIGH.

5 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

BL–not to take anything away from the author, but the “boost” seems to be that he had an endorsement from a particular website, a popular website, related to the topic.

I’m a bit surprised about the “typos.” It seems, from what I’ve read, it’s not typos inasmuch as it is the formatting. Somebody made this with a fixed-font size, making it miserable to read.

B.L. Alley
5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

It;s so frustrating seeing people put so little effort in to their work and still manage some level of success. I know my covers aren’t great but the current versions are at least better than those appearing on this site. I also put a lot of effort into my writing, expanding on my high school and college writing education and experience, using an editor, and researching everything I could so as not to insult the reader with anally-extracted nonsense. I also learned how to properly format.

5 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

I understand the frustration. I spent a lot of money having experts edit and format my book, as well as create the cover. I’ve spent even more money on paid ads, creating book trailers, and I even recently hired a marketing expert. My book also got the Indie B.R.A.G. Medallion, but still no lucky breaks.