The Incredibly True Confessions of a Black Female Union Steward: A Workplace Memoir September 11, 2019NathanCovers6 Comments The Incredibly True Confessions of a Black Female Union Steward: A Workplace Memoir Say it ain’t so. bad font choice bulletin board layout credit where credit is due filteriffic readability Previous postFourteen Apocalypses and Eighteen Armageddons Next postBible Dramatizations: A Collection of Short Stories
Incredibly true? Because there’s some other type of true? Less credibly true? Not credibly true? Is true different than “incredibly true?”
Do ya think that maybe the shop steward meant, Incredible True…? As in the stories were incredible?
Truly incredible stories …?
Exactly. But “truly incredible” does not have the same meaning as “incredibly true.” Simply doesn’t. Any wordsmith that doesn’t understand that, is not an author I wish to read.
Thanks for the promotion!
The author.
P.S. the cover is awesome, and this website belongs on a lousy book covers page.
Oh, snap! You sure showed us, Ms. Gurl!
Gotta love the entitled generation. Everyone is wrong except them.