The potentially dishonest part of this cover is the statement that it was “recently added to the University of Oxford library collection.” Being acquisitioned by a library is not an endorsement, it merely means that the book is on the shelves. For all I know right next to books about astrology, Atlantis and lizard people from the Pleiades.
Looks like the author misunderstood SEO and filled their title full of keywords
#time #Freewill #Randomness #causandeffect #information #order #blackholes #bigbang
The potentially dishonest part of this cover is the statement that it was “recently added to the University of Oxford library collection.” Being acquisitioned by a library is not an endorsement, it merely means that the book is on the shelves. For all I know right next to books about astrology, Atlantis and lizard people from the Pleiades.
Holy cow! Has anyone taken a look yet at the book’s formatting and typography? Yikes!
Now, now, don’t judge a cover by the book.
Judge a cover by the cover.
Looks like the author misunderstood SEO and filled their title full of keywords
#time #Freewill #Randomness #causandeffect #information #order #blackholes #bigbang