BLURB: Christ 3ye Alch3my: The Rising Stars of the Apocalypse The Origin of Spiritual Transfiguration

It is in daylight savings time that the shining 1 in the 7th day has come out from the darkness of midnight into the 10th age of light. The enlightened stars and hands of time shall move forward with and in the hour/1 to be saved, as the last day of the weakened is a new day to become strengthened through your 5 combined elemental senses. The knowledge which comes shining in from enlightening wisdom is passed down through the hand of time. It is Atomic lighting enlightenment, which alters the al-chemical imbalance in the mind-3ye, transfiguring you into a shining enlightened moral, immortal figure of spirit-mental gold. Alchemy is within all living transfiguring things, as this is the natural growth of which brings fourth TRU metaphysical change. Those living Christ/crowned-anointed souls-minds who spiritually know the Lord-word, have seen the alchemic metamorphosis in this new day & age of spirit-mentally transitioning into the shining enlightened 1’s.

At first I was planning to feature this book here for the cover…

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Russ N.
Russ N.
5 years ago

Also clearly a steal at $23.99 for the paperback.

5 years ago

And for just $23.99, you too can read 268 pages of prose that looks just like this…

5 years ago

I’m thinking that this “Atomic lightening” might cause some slight brain damage.

5 years ago

What the hell is this piffle?

…or do I mean “What TH3 h3ll is this piff13?”

5 years ago

How does one live a “Christ/crowned-anointed souls-minds” thing, anyway? I wanna have a crowned mind, boy!

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
5 years ago

“The last day of the weakened” has weekend me.

5 years ago

It is the word of a Jewel(highly enlightened individual)

5 years ago

The cover is fire, only a dim whit would pass this up.

5 years ago

Whoever posted this as a lousy cover, just doesn’t like the author or what’s hidden in the book. Which leave me interested. I’ve never seen such natural talent exposed.