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9 years ago

So many pieces of bad I don’t know where to begin.

Apparently “gone wild” means lying in a bale of hay. When I was a kid, it meant jumping on the bed while screaming your head off, or trashing an entire aisle in the supermarket. I blame the doctors, who are eager to declare any mildly misbehaving activity as “hyperactive”.

My, grandma, what a really creepy shadow you have, considering the light comes from behind the barn (the roof of the barn is casting a shadow). Good idea, but that’s not how to do it. There’s also a ghost tree shadow in the upper right corner, which is almost as creepy.

I’m not even going to dignify the fonts with a comment.

9 years ago

Such a creepy vibe.
Not only there children involved in showing off their bodies while drunk at spring break… But grandma is going to spy on theM while they do it? *shudder

9 years ago

Rollin’ in the hay. Check.

9 years ago

I’m a little curious which categories this book is selling under, but I dare not click on the Amazon link. Law enforcement is probably watching.

Also – My, my, grandma, what a big shadow you cast.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Oh ye of dirty minds. It’s a nice clean murder mystery with kids maybe in peril. Or if the grandkids are that wild, the murderer in peril.

9 years ago

When arrested, the author was writing The Grandkids Ride The Bang Bus.

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  RK

waw – waw

9 years ago

And that barn is rated XXXX.