I might presume there could be a cover creation robotic program that generates covers from keywords like “death” and “man”. For raiders of the public domain tomb.
5 years ago
At the risk of revealing how uncouth I am, I’ll admit I’d have probably liked “Death of a Salesman” much better if the inside had matched this cover.
I hear you! I enjoy dramas like “Sling Blade” and “Unforgiven”, but I also like the Three Stooges and Beavis and Butthead so no judgement from me here!
I don’t remember it being a zombie story from when we did it in school.
Although now I feel the urge to write the zombie sequel…
That would be awesome! I thought it was either zombie or Frankenstein’s monster…maybe stitching together dead salesmen?
I’ll put that on the list, right after I finish my Nazi Sharks novelization.
“Undeath of a Salesman”?
I might presume there could be a cover creation robotic program that generates covers from keywords like “death” and “man”. For raiders of the public domain tomb.
At the risk of revealing how uncouth I am, I’ll admit I’d have probably liked “Death of a Salesman” much better if the inside had matched this cover.
I hear you! I enjoy dramas like “Sling Blade” and “Unforgiven”, but I also like the Three Stooges and Beavis and Butthead so no judgement from me here!